Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Basketball on the Runway: Alex Seniors

It really pays, sometimes, to live in a small town with a small airport, where the bureaucracies aren't quite as rough as say... LAX.  For Alex's senior photos, his mom got us permission to wander about the ramp area by the terminal (albeit escorted).

We had to time the shoots with the arrival and departure of aircraft, and I admit I got nervous a few times while we sat inside the terminal and watched the light slowly melt away.  But in the end we lucked out and timed a gap in aircraft movements with ideal light for the shots above.

The last shot is of my assistant Rachel, wearing the requisite Minute Sixteen hoodie with an airport issued high vis vest.  As a bit of an airplane geek, it was a real treat getting to be up close and personal on the tarmac, watching (and definitely listening to) planes come and go.

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